【同义词辨析】 2018-05-11 结巴stammer-stutter

stammer: implies a temporary inhibition of words from fear, embarrassment or shock: he ~ his thanks, overwhelmed by embarrassment.

stutter: is likely to suggest a habitual defect characterized by a repetition of sounds, BUT it may apply to similar manifestation due to a temporary cause: ~ when excited; or even, AS MAY stammer, to something suggesting the pattern of a stutterer: the engine ~ then came to life.

stammer: 表示暂时的不流畅(inhibition),由于害怕尴尬震惊等,stutter: 表示习惯性的缺陷,即发音重复(如把我说成"我我")但也可表示暂时性的(缺陷);还可表示像结巴的样子(pattern模式,指固定样子)如例句中的发动机。

记忆方法: 1)Shi Sheng失声==>结巴

        2)结巴的意思是讲话出错结巴mean to speak stumblingly. (stumble: 说话结巴出错: he stumbled over every sentence他每句都结结巴巴)